About R.E.D. Laboratories N.V./S.A.
R.E.D. Laboratories N.V./S.A. ( www.redlabs.be) is a small-size Belgian company, focused on developing and performing specialty research and diagnostic tests for chronic immune disorders, intestinal dysfunctions, tick-borne diseases (Lyme disease) and multifactorial afflictions such as autism or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). It is managed by a Board of Directors composed of renowned scientists.
Our close working relationships with world experts in complex chronic diseases allow us to rapidly develop and offer the most advanced and relevant diagnostics based on a strict scientific methodology and clinical observations. Today, we offer SPECIALTY TESTS that are not (or rarely) available elsewhere, focusing on the inflammatory mechanisms, oxidative stress, intestinal dysfunctions, viral and bacterial infections, etc. We established a wide network of fruitful collaborations worldwide (both with University Centers and private companies) in order to expand and strengthen our knowledge and our testing offer for an integrative medicine approach. We do not aim to duplicate the tests already available and mastered in specialized institutions.
It is our goal to provide physicians the necessary tools to diagnose and treat patients with complex chronic diseases. We accomplish this through the personalization of our testing panels, which allow the clinicians to be more efficient and precise in the diagnosis and management of patients with complex clinical presentations.
Integrative Medicine, a new sustainable vision of healthcare, is gaining ground worldwide. It’s defined by the Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine as follows : the practice of medicine that reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches to achieve optimal health and healing. Integrative medicine is not a new term for complementary and alternative medicine. It has its origins in conventional science and experience based medicine but, to increase their effect, it will also integrate other proven therapies.
Today, the world is facing many negative stress factors (increased pollution, climate changes, psychological stress, emerging new resistant pathogens, etc) leading to the multiplication of syndromes / afflictions with very complex clinical presentations, requiring a very wide assessment. Thus only a holistic approach might bring a beginning of solutions for these patients.
This type of approach needs, on one side well trained MDs with wide clinical knowledge, open to different approaches (allopatic, naturopatic, phytotherapy, etc) that may help the patient, and on the other side innovative flexible testing offers that can quickly follow advances of scientific knowledge.
The personalized approach also implies that both testing and treatments are more “research – type” rather than straight forward. A wide international network of collaborating health care professionals is the key for advancing the knowledge on those multifactorial afflictions.
We participate in several international groups that aim to advance knowledge in biological markers, of e.g. autism, and in multiple international research projects leading to regular publication of scientific papers.

Our approach is science-based and we are seeking collaborations and customers sharing the same values.
Our small size enables us to offer tailored solutions to our customers and to respond to their specific needs by continuously developing new assays in line with the advancement in medical and scientific knowledge. Our self-standing structure with dedicated Board members enables us to quickly take decisions. We are not part of any big Laboratory network. Our aim is not to generate the largest possible profit, but rather to reinvest our benefits into research and development. Our primary focus is on patients; the margins are kept low for their benefit. Read more
Please view our welcome video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KKcfzOD50w&t=2s
Please view our Mission Statement